Today in San Francisco, Microsoft will officially unveil Internet Explorer 9 and make it available to the general public. It is, without question, the most ambitious browser release Microsoft has ever undertaken, and despite the beta label it is an impressively polished product.
For the record, I haven’t used Internet Explorer in years. I usually stick with Safari on my Mac and Firefox on my PC. However, with the release of IE9 I might have to change my default browser back to IE.
The new IE has a greatly improved javascript engine and it renders HTML much better than previous versions. It is also embracing HTML5 which is something IE has needed to do for sometime now.
The biggest difference to me is the UI. It is very minimal and there is almost no branding beyond the logo on the task bar. This browser focuses more on the content of the web page than on the browser.
At any rate, you should check out the beta version for yourself and give it an honest try. It may win you back to the Internet Explorer users group!
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